Marriage is the one gift from God left over from the Garden of Eden. The enemy’s assault against marriage and the family makes it essential for us to saturate our lives with God’s word, to recognize the need for godly fellowship, and to establish our homes upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Our desire is to see your marriage and your family be a refuge for peace in a fallen world. Join us as we study together and seek God to make our marriages thrive, not just survive; that His peace would rule in our homes; and that the Word of God would be a daily practical influence in our lives!
Married Couples Study
Fellowship with other married couples here at Calvary Chapel Greece, as we spend time in God's Word and breaking bread together.
We gather the first Saturday night of the month, here at the church, at 5 pm. We ask if you plan on attending that you please sign up and let us know so we can have enough spots set up!